The cat audio file is made up from a compilation of several cats sounds uploaded by various cat owner over the Net. I would like to clearly announce that I did not hold any copyright of any cat audio meow sounds files. What I simply did was gathered the cat sound together, compressed it in a single .rar file and uploaded it online. With this, you can download the cat meow sounds in one single pack to your computer with just a few easy steps.
So what can you do with these meow sound? Well for a start, you could just keep it as a personal collection cd just like I did, since I loved cats so much ^^. You might also use the cat sounds as your phone's tone, or anything that involves cat sound effects. Wouldn't it be nice to have a cute cat meowing sounds as your alarm on your gadgets? Surely you will become the center of attention in no time! LOL
So why does cat make meowing sounds? The director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Cornell University, Katharine Houpt, says that cats meow sounds represents different entities and meanings. For many, meowing cat sounds shows the need for attention to their owner, most probably wanting to be fed or to go out. Cat sounds can also be triggered by an aggressive behavior between two male cats.
If you have recorded your cat sound and wish to share with the world, do contact me and send those files. I would be more than glad to publish your cat meows here. If possible, please convert the cat sounds into .wav before sending the audio to us. Lastly, I hope you enjoyed some of my collection of cat sounds meow!
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